Gift a Garden

Grow Potential


Gift A Garden Sponsorship Form

Gift A Garden Sponsors

Help us Grow Potential Today!

Seeking Sponsors for the 2021 – 2022 Gift A Garden Program

We invite both businesses and individuals to sponsor one of over twenty classroom beds, Forkie’s Pond, Becker’s Bees, the Herb Garden, our two rain tanks or a special project bed (Pollinator Playground, Hugekulture, & Flower Beds) for the upcoming academic year.

Sponsorships and Benefits 

With your sponsorship, you help to cover the cost for seeds, transplants, and other teaching materials for more than 500 Becker Elementary students and more than 20 classes per week. In addition, sponsorships help replenish compost, mulch, tools and help maintain our special project beds, pond, and cisterns and provide for beekeeping and honey making supplies. In exchange for your sponsorship you or your organization will have your name and logo featured on our website, you will receive a shoutout on our website and on social media, your name and logo will appear in your sponsored area, and you will receive a harvest bag from your sponsored area and Becker Green Classroom swag!

Become a Gift A Garden Sponsor Today!

$200 Sponsors a Classroom Plot

  • Expose kids to healthy food & eating habits
  • Encourage kids to try new fruits and vegetables
  • Support academic achievement & inquiry
  • Connect children to nature
  • Build community
  • Facilitate environmental stewardship
  • Promote physical activity & prevent childhood obesity
  • Encourage positive attitudes to new ways of learning

$300 Sponsors a Special Project Bed

Secial Project Beds currently include the Pollinator Play Ground, Hugekulture bed, Curandero Garden, and Cut Flower Beds, and the Green House.

The Pollinator Playground:

  • Helps support and maintain pollinators by supplying food that will ensure that these important animals stay in the area to keep pollinating our crops for continued fruit and vegetable production.
  • Provide real life examples of the interdependent nature of our food ecosystem, and the valuable services that pollinators, even insects, provide to human society.

$400 Sponsors the Herb Garden

Herb Gardening benefits:

  • Develops Senses through Taste and Aromatherapy
  • Develops Culinary Skills  
  •  Make Medicinal Home Remedies
  • Learn Cultural and Historical use of Herbs 

$400 Sponsors Forkie’s Pond

  • Introduce kids to a working ecosystem
  • Build awareness of eco-diversity and life cycles
  • Provide a space for quiet meditation

$400 Sponsors a Rain Tank

  • Educate students on sustainable water use
  • Contribute toward water savings and conserving water
  • Save money by reducing water bills
  • Create less polution in local water ways

$600 Sponsors Becker’s Bees

  • Builds a broader understanding of the ecosystem as a whole
  • Invites natural inquiry into science and nature
  • Builds empathy and compassion as the students see the full life cycle unfolding in front of them

1701 Briar St, Austin TX 78704

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